The Evolving Role of the CISO: Ventures, Leadership, and Societal Contributions


The digital pages of the CISO Connect Magazine recently featured my journey as a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). This magazine edition included my experiences in venture investing, consulting, and engagements with various vendors.

The magazine is evidence of what I’d like to call the modern CISO mindset. It embodies the essence of a role that has evolved dramatically over the years. It represents individuals who are not just gatekeepers of cybersecurity but are also pioneering strategists comfortable with navigating the complexities of risk in both their professional and personal lives. The images in the magazine of fellow CISOs skydiving, scuba diving, and performing snowboard jumps are not just breathtaking visual content but are powerful metaphors for our daily lives. These are illustrations of our comfort with measuring, managing, and mitigating risks, trusting our skills and preparations to land safely.

Perhaps what resonates most with my philosophy as a CISO is my relationship with vendors. The modern cloud infrastructure, with all its advantages, introduces complexities and challenges that necessitate a symbiotic relationship with vendors. These partnerships are crucial for developing a nuanced understanding of potential vulnerabilities and crafting robust defenses against them. My feature discusses this collaboration, showcasing it as a cornerstone of modern cybersecurity strategy.

Thank you to CISO Connect for this incredible honor, and to all my fellow CISOs, may we continue to jump, dive, and soar to new heights, both in our careers and beyond.
