OWASP AppSec LatAm 2011


It took more than a year to organize OWASP AppSec LatAm 2011 but the results were worth the effort. Equipped with numerous auditoriums that can accommodate up to 800 participants, PUC-RS provides a world-class infrastructure. The variety and quality of PUC-RS’s main restaurant are comparable to some Buffets in Las Vegas. In addition, many professors supported the event and were actively engaged in conversations on how to include application security education in the curriculum.

Bryan Sullivan and Michael Craigue, our two keynotes, delivered more than security knowledge in their presentations, they delivered wisdom. Bryan delivered a polished presentation that mixed big picture concepts with hard-core technical demos. Bryan’s unique mixture of skills makes his presentations interesting to all sorts of audiences. Michael Craigue’s conversational style and candidness made his presentation a must-see for everyone who wants to jump-start a security initiative at an enterprise. I highly recommend both.

The local organization worked incredibly hard to deliver a solid conference and great entertainment! Kudos to Alexandre Balestrin Correa (aka ABC), Jerônimo Zucco, L. Gustavo C. Barbato, Lucas C. Ferreira, Rafael Dreher, Gustavo Simon, Leonardo Goldim, Luiz Gava, Sarah Baso, Carolina Nogueira, Mauricio Pegoraro, Luciano Madeira, Adriene Barbato, Maximiliano Soler, Luis Otavio (aka LOD) and Ricardo Makino for a well done job! Argentina now has big shoes to fit for OWASP AppSec LatAm 2012!

AppSec Latam cassio speech
